Monday, September 18, 2017

Learning Challenge: Happiness

Confirmed: Exercise leads to a happier life. I knew this was true from my own experience. For example, last week I started teaching dance. I was so stressed that I would be extra tired all the time from this added responsibility. Instead, I sleep better at night, feel better and more energetic the next day, and I don't feel like such a potato all the time. I definitely miss being active, especially as active as I was in high school. I am hoping that I can commit to the 7 minutes a day of exercise!
Image result for smiling dog
Trying to be as happy as this Golden Retriever.
Photo by Kevin Sando Source: flickr 
News: Planning a trip can make you happier. It is hard for me to believe that this is true, but I am going to try and implement this as well. I often go on google flights, just to check out how expensive flights are and I come away from it more nostalgic than before. But perhaps if I followed through with the plan, it would make me happier. So excuse me while I plan Thanksgiving in Budapest.

Curious: Exist the app. The author just barely mentioned that this expert created an app which "connects all of your services to turn that data into insights about your life." How cool is that? I definitely want to check it out! My life could be changed from this little app they couldn't be bothered to add a second sentence about. 
Just kidding, I looked it up. It costs money. Probably not worth it. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, Jillian!

    I can definitely confirm that exercise make me feel better! I was always so active in high school. I played multiple sports and would work out almost every day of the school week. I slowly drifted away from that in college, and I regret it so much. I just started working out again, and I feel energized and refreshed. I hope to get back in my previous shape again.
