Monday, August 14, 2017

I wrote an Introduction

Hello everyone! My name is Jillian Buxton and I am a senior majoring in Letters and French with a minor in Latin. When I first arrived at OU, I was a history major. My goal in life was to become a historian so that I could host my own documentary on the History Channel like Lucy Worsley. However, I changed to Letters because I wanted to take more classes that would involve literature, and I didn't want my four years of high school Latin to go to waste.

Me living my best life. Did I ever tell you I love Belle??
Photo Credit: Rachel McCourt
I have changed majors, life goals, and favorite snapchat filter many times over the past three years, as I'm sure many of you have. However, my interests have remained fairly constant. My whole life, I have loved everything old. I can't tell you why I am this way, or even begin to list all the books, movies, and people who influenced this passion. When I was a kid, I wanted to live through the French Revolution. As a teenager, I moped for weeks thinking about how I would never see the Roman Forum as it was in its prime with sparkling, new, white buildings. I have also always loved mythology. I think that can easily be attributed to the Disney film, Hercules (while not "accurate", it's definitely entertaining). I took Latin in high school for two reasons: 1) I heard that every Friday we learned about a different Greek or Roman myth. 2) The Latin teacher seemed nice and fun whereas the French teacher terrified me. 

Because my interests that don't lend themselves well to making money (or many living friends), I don't have many concrete plans for my future. I hope to be accepted into the Teaching Assistant Program in France which would allow me to live in France the year after I graduate. I want to pursue a graduate degree at some point in my life, but I don't know in what, where, or how to pay for it. There's definitely a part of me that still wants to host History Channel documentaries. However, this dream may be unrealistic considering I don't have a fancy schmancy British accent. For a while, I was in the college of education and had signed a contract saying that I would teach in Oklahoma for four years after graduation. This taught me that I am apparently terrified of commitment and that having my life mapped out for me without an out gives me crazy anxiety. So I dropped out of that deal faster than I can come up with a folksy saying. It's nice to have a plan, but I would rather see where life takes me. There's just so many things to do in life and so little time! So I don't know what my future holds, but that is the way I like it. 

I will now conclude with a few of my favorite things:
Photo taken by me
of my beautiful Welsh Terrier.

  • Music: Passenger, Bastille, Abba
  • Movies: Barefoot in the Park, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Singing in the Rain, Austenland
  • Books: Les Miserables, Percy Jackson Series, The Scarlet Pimpernel
  • TV Shows: Community, The Office, 30 Rock, Law and Order: SVU
  • Actors/Actresses/Celebrities: Debbie Reynolds, Louis Jourdan, Hilary Duff
  • Food: Bread (Could actually live by that alone) 
  • Animal: Panda
  • Clothing: Vintage floral full length kaftan (found in the back of my grandma's closet. Finders Keepers)
  • Dog: Eleanor Roosevelt Buxton 


  1. I know what you mean about that tension between passionate interests and making a living, Jillian... but I followed my passions, and ended up with this fabulous job teaching online: a job that did not even exist when I was in grad school in the 90s. And thank you for the adorable pic of your Eleanor terrier. Between all the students in these classes, there is quite a menagerie of animals: yours is the first this semester! :-)

  2. I love your focus on your major not being one that leads to copious amounts of money. I spent a year and a half of my college career trying to convince myself that I was happy pursuing a degree in communication sciences and disorders to be a speech pathologist just so that I could make a good amount of money every year. Now, as a junior, I am in my 2nd official semester of an education degree and I love it more than I ever did my other program! I loved reading your blog post!

  3. Hey Jillian! This is kind of crazy, but I think we may have gone to the same high school. I remember seeing you around sometimes. I also took 4 years of Latin with Abernethy/Carson. And for the record, I think the French teacher was scary too. I know what you mean when you say you’re scared to set a definite path for your future. What if you don’t like it or it ends up being terrible? I think it’s great that you’re following your heart instead of settling for a career path you may not enjoy. I really hope you find something that works for you!

  4. Hey Jillian! I've changed majors numerous times myself so you're not alone on that. I'm sure you'll find your way soon enough. I'm sure you would love teaching so if that's what you do decide to do then best of luck to you. A lot of people are scared of commitment of some sort so again you're not alone in that either.

  5. Hello, Jillian. I, too, like old things. So it kills me to live in Oklahoma, where the old standing build is like 30 years old (an understatement I know, but it feels that way sometime). I love going through the OU library and finding the really old torn up books. I can't say that I've ever been upset for missing out on a roman forum, though.

    Don't stress too much about the future, though. I'm sure you'll figure something out as time goes on. Today has enough worries, right? Anyway, I appreciate your dog named after the First Lady and I hope this semester works out great for you!

  6. Oh, hey there, stranger! I know you! I'm really excited that you are going to be in this class with me! It's weird not to know anyone and then realize you have classes with people that you are familiar with! I'm actually watching Law and Order: SVU as I sit and write this - it's my favorite TV show that I can watch pretty much at any time. It's so cool that your minor is Latin; Latin is something I've always been interested in but have never had the courage to go for. Something maybe you can help me with? Can't wait to see more from you!

  7. Hello, Jillian!
    I think it would be so interesting to be a Letters major. I end up taking a lot if letter classes each year but I remain a philosophy major. I also struggle with the decision to make money or follow my interests. As you can imagine a philosophy degree doesn’t lend itself to any money making careers as well. I hope to do sales when I get out of college and then spend the later year of my life devoting my time to my true interests. I also want to spend so time out of the country once I graduate.

  8. Hello, Jillian! I am so impressed with your major Letters and in French with a minor in Latin. To me, learning a new language is the most difficult thing in the world so I can't imagine knowing more than one! I think it is so awesome that you want to spend some time abroad after you graduate, and it seems like that would be putting your french to good use. I will say I don't think you should be discouraged about your dream of being on history channel, some goals seem far fetched but those are the goals that are worth having. Best of luck!

  9. Hey there Jillian. I just finished up reading your introduction post and it refreshing reading about someone that takes interest in the older era. I too love learning and delving into the past. My way of Netflix and chill is surfing through the documentary section haha. I have a strong belief that I was meant to be born 60 years prior to now. Of course I love your dog, she is precious, but also I love all dogs so haha. Also, favorite food is bread?! Come'on! Anyways, nice getting to know you and I hope your third week of the semester is treating you well.

  10. Hello Jillian! Belle is one of my favorite Disney princesses too. Do you like her because she is french, her love of books, or her wish for adventure? (or maybe some combination?) Being a TA in France sounds amazing! I certainly hope you get it. Maybe you will get a chance to travel and see the Roman Forums while you there (while they are not pretty and new, they are still an amazing sight). Do you enjoy traveling?

  11. Hi Jillian!

    You have a special talent with writing! I love how much your personality shines through in something as simple as an introduction. I am taking mental notes to hopefully help me improve my own as I know they can sometimes be a pain to read through.

    I think that is awesome that you came into college with such a specific goal and took a step back in order to re-evaluate and follow your new-found passions. I think that shows a lot about character as it is a hard decision to make for most.

    I have never been fond of history until I got to college and was no longer being forced to learn about it. Now I wish I listened and absorbed all that I was tested over in high school as it is a growing interest in me now. I also have a passion for traveling to historic landmarks as I love to travel, and I feel like walking through and being able to visualize all the history taking place makes the information stick to my brain like nothing else.

    Thank you so much for sharing! I look forward to reading your story!

  12. Hi Jillian!
    I think it’s so cool that you want to go to France and live their for while. I’m planning on doing a study abroad trip this summer probably in Italy and I’m so excited for it. I also love The Office no matter how many times I see it I am always down to watch an episode. I can’t wait to see what else you post to your blog and I hope you are having a great semester so far!

  13. Hello Jillian! And hey, nothing is wrong with liking old stuffs because I myself love to look at old vintage pictures and watch those ancient epic war movies all the time (and of course I daydream myself to be a person living in the past!). It is really cool that you know and is learning Latin because I really want to give it a try as well. Your introduction is a great to read and even though you have changed majors a couple times, it is alright as long as you are doing something you truly enjoy and love. Good luck with the rest of the semester and nice to meet you!

  14. Hi Jillian! France has always been close to the top of my list of places that I want to visit one day, so I think it's pretty cool you'd like to go live there. I've also switched majors so don't worry or stress too much about it, everything will be just fine sooner rather than later. Have a great semester!

  15. Hi Jillian! You probably have the most unique majors and minor that I have heard of in my time here at OU. I think it’s great how passionate you are with what you are doing though. Also, I don’t know of anyone else that has wanted to host their own History Channel documentary, but that sounds like it could be really cool if you decide to pursue it in the future.

  16. Hi Jillian. I love your positivity on life. I think it’s super cool that you have an interest for the past. I also admire your passion for literature. I think studying in France would be so much fun, and it seems like it would fit everything you’re looking for. You would have so many adventures. It would feel like a whole new world. Wishing you all the very best!

  17. Jillian, my older sister is a lot like you, she has a faithful love of all things historical. She became a history teacher because she wanted to help share her love of history with students and hopefully start them on becoming passionate about history one day too. I saw that one of your favorite TV shows is Law and Order SVU. In my opinion, this is the best Law and Order and the only one I watch (Oliva Benson is the BEST!). I am sure you will have an amazing time living in France. Good luck in your classes this semester!

  18. Hey there, Jillian!
    Wow, you have quite the list of passions and interests! I admire that you are so passionate about history. My older brother shares a very similar interest in history. I have always wanted to be as knowledgeable as him in that regard. I also really like the fact that you are just seeing where life takes you. I have always been the kind of person that has a plan mapped out. So, I am a bit jealous of your free spirit. I am sure if you continue to follow your passions everything will work out for you! I wish you the best of luck for the future!

  19. Hey, Jillian!
    I am fascinated by your interest in French and Latin. I think studying other languages has become such a lost art! I studied Spanish for a while in college but decided to not get a minor. I’m curious as to if you are fluent in French?
    I had the awesome opportunity several summers ago to travel through Europe, and one of our stops was in Paris. What a beautiful place! I would have loved to visit several smaller towns in France, but time didn’t allow us to do so. Anyways, nice to meet you, and good luck this semester!

  20. Hi Jillian!
    I can definitely tell that you are an "old soul" and I love it! You are such an interesting person from what I can tell from reading this. I've always wanted to learn Latin, so that's super cool that you have many years of experience. Your hobbies and interests seem to coincide with taking this class, so I'm sure you enjoy it greatly. I can't wait to read your stories and project coming up. Good luck with the rest of the semester, and it was nice to meet you!

  21. Hi Jillian! First of all I just have to say I love your dog! My friends have a Welsh Terrier and they are just so full of personality! I have terriers too, and they can be quite stubborn haha! I think it would be super cool if you got to go to France, have you ever been over to Europe? The greatest thing about it is how easy it is to travel from one country to another once you are over there!

  22. Hi Jillian! Great page! Its very organized and neat. I'll have to take some pointers from this blog. In addition, we all change our mind. Yes, sometimes in a similar fashion to the way we change snapchat filters! Its awesome that you have such a cool sense of humor about it. But I think your goals are pretty cool! You're are chasing the dream and there's nothing wrong with that. I wish you the best of luck !

  23. Hi Jillian!
    Those are some interesting things to be majoring in, I always enjoyed watching history documents but I grew up to be a more science-y person. I’m glad that you are following your passion and interests. Even if you don’t host a documentary, maybe you can make it on Drunk History. P.S. Eleanor is adorable and has an amazing name.
    I wish you luck for the rest of this semester!

  24. Jillian! Hi! We were in Winston's two classes together last semester! I didn't know that you were in this class! I've never come across any of your posts until now. I wonder how that happened...I also did not have any big plans until recently. I applied for the Professional MA with an emphasis in TESOL program at OU. Have you looked into that? Only 15 months and $10,000 to get a Master's degree. I've also considered doing the TAPIF, which I'm assuming what you're talking about doing in France? You should also look into doing the Fulbright in France or Belgium! Also, I luv bread 2. Peace, homie.

  25. Hey Jillian! Thanks for sharing your introduction. French and Latin, wow, that's awesome! Both languages I've had a little bit of experience in and find very interesting. My mom actually teaches Latin, so maybe I'm a little bias but I think there's a lot of cool stuff behind that, especially since it's considered a "dead language." Such a cute picture of your dog by the way. Good luck with everything, I hope you get to teach in France!

  26. Hi Jillian! It's great to see you are doing well! I had no idea that you were also learning french - that's awesome! I hope you have the opportunity to go live in France for while. We should live while we are young and take advantage of cool opportunities like that. I wish you the best of luck!

  27. Hey Jillian, it was interesting to read and learn a little bit about you! I have a friend who is also a letters major and it really does sound like it would be an interesting major to be! It is also quite impressive that you are not only doing another major in French, but also a minor in Latin. Sounds like you will keep busy! Hope you enjoy the rest of the semester!
