Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Technology is "not" evil

I have very little skills when it comes to technology. I often think I am lucky to be born into my generation because I have the basic computer skills we were forced to learn growing up. But I haven't really edited pictures since my friends tried to teach me back in the MySpace days. I thought I was on the ball because I had made a blog before, but I have never made a website. I have used a weebly before, but didn't realize weeblys were a way of making a free site. I am excited about perhaps making my own site, though I am nervous about editing graphics. I am also happy to see the suggestion for a bookmarking tool. I always find myself bookmarking so many websites, only to lose them in my crazy collections of bookmarks. 

Image result for flipping table meme
Jillian dealing with technology.
Created by Meme TN Source: flickr
This is very different from my other classes. As a humanities student, most of my teachers are not comfortable with technology. We usually only deal with Canvas/D2L. I had one class Freshman year that insisted we tweet about our readings and respond to other classmates' tweets. However, this system objectively was a failure, and no one in the class really learned from the experience, or enjoyed it. I have much higher hopes for this class, especially since it is a tried and true practice. 

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, I love that graphic! And thank you for the detailed information here; this is a new assignment and I'm basically looking for ideas about how I can revise/improve the Tech Tips part of the class to respond to the kinds of things people are interested in. I think you will be surprised at how easy and convenient the web-based image editing software is!

    And, as I said yesterday, THANK YOU for working ahead like this. It is really good to know that the links and instructions are working. I made a lot of little changes to the Orientation this year, and it is really nice to have it "road-tested" before everybody shows up next week. Much appreciated!!!
