Monday, August 28, 2017

Tech Tip: Canvas

As I have mentioned in a previous post, I am not a "techy" person. So as you can imagine, I am not one to have opinions on a website's performance, or complain about style, interface etc. However, last semester, was the big push for courses to be on Canvas instead of D2L. All of my courses were on Canvas except for one. And it just so happened the one course that was on D2L was in fact an online course. I didn't think much of it, but soon learned how amazing Canvas is in comparison to D2L!
I downloaded the app, and I am trying to find ways to improve my experience with Canvas since it seems the majority of work I do for college is in fact done on the site. I have found the app extremely enjoyable. It is easy and fast!
The best part of Canvas is that you can change the name of a course and give it a nickname! This seems silly (I did name my online Geography of Wine course Heck yeah wine), but it is actually very helpful. For example, I have three French courses this year. So they have the same course abbreviation, and similar numbers. With nicknames, I don't have to click on one course, only to realize it's my literature course instead of my culture course. I wold recommend this feature to any upperclass student who is taking similar courses with similar codes!

1 comment:

  1. I was so glad to see you were using the nicknames, Jillian... and just today somebody was asking about that at the Canvas Community. I participate a lot in that Community (my use of Canvas is kind of weird, but I am a huge fan), and so I included the text of your blog post there in a comment. It was so fun to bring a student voice to the discussion there! Canvas Community: how to nickname classes
