Saturday, September 2, 2017

Famous Last Words: Beginning the Finale

As this is my senior year, I feel the constant pressure to do this year "right". Take the right classes to graduate, get good grades, enjoy my friends and family while I'm still nearby, prepare for life after college etc While the first week of school was easy to live in the moment and enjoy the beginning of a new year. However, this second week I began looking to the future and considering what is most important. So I dropped my Latin minor and the Latin course I was taking this semester. This way, i can focus on the courses which are most important to me, and are more pertinent to what I may want to do in the future. This way, I am not so overloaded with translations that not only can I do better work in my courses, but I can enjoy my senior year.
My first day of school picture!
Personal photo taken by Sarah Steward

This week I also set up my on-campus interview for Fulbright. So I am spending the weekend preparing for that, while also perfecting my essays. With all of this pressure, I have found myself looking forward to this class and the assignments we are doing. With every assignment, I get a sense of accomplishment and I learn something.
I really enjoyed doing the storytelling assignment this week and the creativity I was able to tap into. I realized how much I miss creative writing. It makes me wish there was an extra credit extra writing assignment.
This was also my last week before my third job starts: teaching dance. While I am excited to meet my students, I am worried that I am already so tired. However, I think having dropped my Latin course will help. Overall, I am looking forward to next week, and more confident now than last week that I am going to accomplish a lot while also enjoying this semester!

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